Makers on Youtube

Also, love the editing. The sound, particularly.

The guy from NYC CNC released a video on how he organises his tools, maybe we can get a few ideas from it, particularly his electronics corner which seems pretty well organised.

Would be great if we could get a few of more of those tools cabinets, they are pretty fantastic especially when combined with the bins and foam.

this guy is a genius, we should consider how we can adopt something like this for each area (although stefano is prob already on the way for woodetech area)

metal storage unit is cool as well, we need somthing like this i think?

Not as useful as tool storage but there is something beautiful in the simplicity of what the artist does here. She makes it look so easy. I want to try it but what do you do with it afterwards? (Other than making pretty books)

(credit to @davidneat, I saw something about paper marbling on his very interesting website)

So he’s finished the clock, and it’s absolutely gorgeous. If you don’t have time to watch all 23 episodes, you should make time :stuck_out_tongue: The whole thing was machined from raw stock. Even the screws.

What’s he doing next?

Only the f*%^ing Antikythera device!


just a functioning organ made entirely of cardboard, powered by a balloon

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Suprised to get so far down this thread without seeing the man, the legend, Jimmy DiResta
(Please don’t copy his safety practices)

First major part

Dovetails and lapped, riveted joints oh my :slight_smile:


Does it work? I won’t spoil a thing…

and here is the opposite, this plays vinyl records without touching them with a laser!

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This is ingenious!

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It is indeed! He should fire it at some UV sensitive paper for a better image.

I remember gluing mirrors onto speaker cones, trying to turn sound into a laser show. It didn’t work anywhere near as well as this :smiley:

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He’s an incredible hand model.

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What happens when a Pixar animator has a go at a robot with personality.

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I designed a Lego version for them, and here it is :smiley:

(skip to 11:40)

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Marble Machine update:

Coming along very nicely!