Make the Space Feb 27th all members, build it-use it

Hey, I’ll be there sat from about eleven, driving forwards making the space, do we have a foreman, any other volunteers?new faces welcome
home straight, no special skills needed, we need your hands, anything from an hour to the day is good

Do you mean 27th?

I will be there and i am hoping to get the floor to the point where we are just waiting for the timber to dry

yeah, i cant use a calendar

do we know how long it might take to dry, ballpark?

Weeks ,but that’s not a problem we can put it in upside down and not nail it and then finish everything else and do it as last job , that way it does not get fucked and at the moment there’s no way to get the space clean enough to finish it , laying ir upside down is a very quick job

anything to do for a guy that cannot lift much more than a drill? I’m out of the neck brace and have an afternoon to lend a had this Sat.

…cracked C6 gives you a honourable discharge for now regarding physical stuff, but swing by with a packet of biscuits if you are at a loose end

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Should be able to do the 27th.

Yep, I’ll be there at 11 with remaining floor timber and timber to get the long partition wall started.

Anyone got any ideas about the best way to soundproof it?

Two non-connecting ‘leaves’ is a standard way of doing it. However considering there is open air behind the lining, hour much truobe is it worth going to?

I know Joe has thoughts on this. Maybe even a plan?

Its a tall wall i vote 6x2 and make it heavy with 18mm plasterboard.and 12mm ply fill it with wool possibley leave the top open on the dusty side if we have enough atenuation .

a smaller construction would just flap about at that size and i don’t think we need to make the side independent as the sound can go over the top .as it’s mostly high frequency that we are trying to stop it makes sense to try to absorb it as much as possible and a 12’’ forward and return parth should have anything above500Hz We effectively have a 2’’ gap at the top of a 12’wall that limits the sound proofing to aproxmtly 20dB i think and a simple stud wall will be better than that so it doesn’t matter if we make it out of concrete it simply will not make a difference as the gap at the top is the limit.

I know that we live in a country where the government is stupid enough to try to pass laws against mathematics but i am reluctant to go to war against logarithms .

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I think joes reasoning is sound (pun intended)

Make sure that studs + boards is less than 215mm so we can use the same blonde timber frame detail for door/window frames.

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im running late, be there in 20 mins