Magic WiFi box..?

I’d like to set up an ESP8266-based network to monitor the house I’m working on in Hertfordshire.

Problem is that I only have 4G internet via a ‘mifi’ device - which works really well, but has a limit of 10 connected devices. With a couple of phones and 2 iPads connected that doesn’t leave a lot for the ESP8266 network.

Is there a little WiFi repeater box that will connect to the mifi wireless network, and create another network for the house monitoring bits?

A bonus would be of it also gave me a wired connection to plug the central heating controller into.

Do your devices need to be comunicating over the internet.
Why not have your own iot server on site.
iot server

You could expose this to the net so you can monitor remotely or set up rules to republish the data to a remote servIce.


Doesn’t that dust sensor just talk directly to Thingspeak? Perhaps you sent the wrong link…

That particular example does. But you can easily change the code before you flash it to communicate with any iot service.
All of the different services are very similar.
Either a get or a post over http.
You just need to change field names and url address normally.
