Lots of old threads being bumped

I’m chopping the discussions of wiki articles in Rules+Tools. This will mean that edits to those articles make them appear in Latest (which will therefore encourage people to read the new information)

You’ll notice lots of old wiki posts getting bumped, and their discussions hived off. This is unavoidable. Sorry!

Tom N

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This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

I think this is a great improvment!

I’ve also made it impossible to reply to topics in the three main documentation categories (rules tools & infrastrucutre), and removed all extraneous info from the topic list in those categories.

EDIT: Darn. The “Reply” buttons have the same class as the “Save Edit” button, which makes hiding one, but not the other, impossible :frowning: Maybe. goes to fiddle

Fixed it :slight_smile:

This is great improvement! Might start to make this space much more useful

Tommen’s instructions for making a Wiki non-discussable:

Main topic spanner (top right)
Close thread
Delete “this thread been closed” message

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This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.