I'm off sooner than I thought

I’ve mentioned to a couple of people that I’d be putting the house up for sale and moving soon.
Things are moving quicker than expected. We’ve put the house up for sale and I’m going to find it increasingly difficult to get to the arch from this week. We’ve now got to go find a new house around the Salisbury area.

I’ve enjoyed my time with the group and if it wasn’t for the move I’d continue to be involved.

So I’d like to hand over the doorbot code and hardware to some one and ask if someone would like to take over co-ordinating the μMeet nights.

μMeet isn’t onerous. Its just a matter of reminding people its on, opening the doors, putting out the box of bits and acting as a point of contact for enquires. You don’t need to be there every week but an interest in keeping other people interested and sharing knowledge is important. Its a little quite at the moment due to school holidays. But theres potential for this to be a busy and fun night for all.

The doorbot requires someone who is interested in micro controllers/arduino. The code isn’t very complex but does require attention to detail. We’re pushing the hardware close to its limits and finding which bits are fine for normal use but a bit fragile for continuous use by trial and error. There are some interesting challanges coming up that should keep you interested as we bring more into the ptroject.

I’m not sure how often and when I’ll be able to get to the arch in the next few weeks but if I don’t see everyone before I leave. Thanks and its been good to meet you all.



And also: best of luck!

I’m really sorry to see you leave, but best of luck with the move.

Sooner than sooner.
Had a viewing on Saturday, the first day on the market and today Ive got an offer of full asking price.
Weve got to pull our fingers out and find our new home.

Good luck Gordon. But let me also express a : Noooooo!! You will be missed.

It’s a shame you have to leave Gorden. Thanks for all your patience and help during the μMeet sessions. You will be missed indeed. Best of luck with everything!

A sad day for us all, you’ll be sorely missed. Best of luck with the move!

Cor. That’s a surprise, and you’ll be much missed.

(Now, you could always take your house off the market, stay a few months, and put it back on at a good chunk more!)

Sad to see you go Gordon, but I can’t thank you enough for all the effort you’ve made helping SLMS get off the ground. If we were in the habit of brass plaques, there’d be one with your name on :smile:

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Thank you all for the thoughts.

Ill need to pick up my single lamp site light at some point.
The double head one was a donation.
And i still need to drop of some arduino stuff used to work on the door control.


Oh, Well.
Later than sooner.
The really keen buyer who really really wanted the house for the asking price and for us to take it off the market pulled out after 2 weeks. So all the rushing about and changing holiday plans has been for nothing.
Dont these people think when they muck you about like this.
Its cost us money, time and effort to speed our side of the transaction up and theyve just casually changed there minds. Youre supposed to think before you make the offer surely.

I still wont be about next week as we may as well keep looking for a place.
But Ill probably be around for a few weeks more.


That’s a bloody pain!

Not quite the words i used.