Howto: schedule an induction session

Would it be helpful for all of the @roles to get together and work out and document a method for running induction sessions and managing waiting lists.

As an [at] lasertech, I’ve always found it a bit complicated and inconsistent, and I think we all have slightly different ways of doing it - it might be helpful for everyone if we all did it the same way :slight_smile:

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I’m happy to do this as long as I don’t get given homework. I think our system is running ok though, (apart from the queue!) I thought it was the way everyone was doing it?

I feel like there is a little bit of individuality in it which reflects the individuality of the inductors. Well either that or you copy and paste like I do :smiley:

Mainly stuff that should be fair I think, like who do you tag to invite , what do you do if someone drops out etc.

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This might fold into writing an extension to the membership system as we’ve previously mentioned, co-incidentally was just writing about this in the other thread about the calendar.

Could well do. But we need to have a documented process (that we all follow) to model in order to develop that kind of functionality.

But right now, everyone does it slightly differently - it’d be fairer for everyone if there was a base which everyone could follow, which covers all of the common scenarios.

Sounds like a good idea to share best practice and, as mentioned, fairness.

Sometimes inductions are posted at very short notice, which is fine. But we’ve seen a few that were long term but with attendees only being confirmed on the day, making it impossible to plan around.

Like with all our ‘organically grown’ systems: it’s a good idea to pause and learn from the varying experiences of all those running inductions — maybe with some inductee feedback too?

I have a question about this. What if there are people on the waiting list who are no longer members? At what point is it ok to remove them from the waiting list? What if they come back as a member?

I have removed one person after they were no longer a member and inactive on discourse for 6 months and I sent them a message saying they will be removed and had no response to that message within a fortnight. But I also know there was problem where someone stopped being a member but then returned as a member to the same place on the waiting list. So what is the proper thing to do?

Personally, I’d say that leaving SLMS means you lose your place on the list. I doubt anyone would bother, but you could game it:

  1. Join.
  2. Pay £20.
  3. Add your name to all the waiting lists.
  4. Leave.
  5. Wait 6 months.
  6. Re-join.
  7. Be at the top of all the waiting lists.

There’s a good example of something we should record. (that sort of thing should be automatic in a proper induction session system really)

I suspect we have a few people on the laser waiting list who aren’t members…

Handily, when you click a @username, a little info box pops up and you can check that username has Member status

I did a laser list purge a while back like this

For the lathe induction it is a qualifying criteria. To be a member and have completed the wood shop induction. So I don’t see a problem with removing names who are not members although for clarity it would be good if someone who is cancelling their membership could post to say so. Also if there is an individual case if someone who for example is going on a long work trip or has a big expense next month and wants to cancel for 1 month and is then planning on returning to the space, - If that person sent me a message saying I know I am on the waiting list I want to come back in a month. I would be happy to keep their name there and remove it if they haven’t rejoined by the month deadline. What do you think?

I’ve made an issue ticket for enhancement on the membership system for an automated method of running inductions. I’m hoping that once we’ve done this howto, we can then automate it (as mentioned above).

That thing about prerequisites is a good bit of detail I wasn’t so aware of.

I believe the plan is for the wood workshop foundation induction to be a prerequisite for all the bench tools - lathe, pillar drill, bandsaw, table saw, etc.