How much on a mop and bucket

Hey, i know we thread stuff to death but I’m wondering what our idea is for final floor coverings?
will they be washable, and if so do we want to spend about 40 quid on a decent enough mop and bucket with a wringer, castors? They go more expensive but I reckon 40 should get us a fairly good one
I used to work student jobs as a janitor and have a fetish about decent mops and buckets.

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@RichM ?

@conomara seroiusly, get the mop and bucket we need.

Yes, in future we’ll have some washable type flooring.

Need to be careful mopping up to ply cladding as we didn’t leave the gap at the bottom we meant to…maybe some careful mastic-ing…

maybe we could run a skirting board of something around the bottom of the ply in future? strip of aluminum or something.

You really want to re-open skirting-board-gate???

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It’s just that the endgrain of the ply will draw up water. If/when we get a floor covering we can seal it properly…in the meantime we should be careful of the damage a £40 megamop could unleash

jesus, i wasnt aware that was a gate…but having a porous ply against a workshop floor doesnt computer for me…
did i mention i used to be a janitor…ive got form

ok, understood, we can put a warning on the mop, and an identical one on the bucket, and a disclaimer on the yard brush


Mop fetishism , that’s new


surely we’re going for a scooba?

Was sold on the idea but got click fatigue before I even saw a price…that’s a sale lost for them.

oh god you’re right. far far too much clicking.

Did someone mention my name?!?

We need your input on this mop/bucket issue


The Bike and Shed topic seems to have run cold…

No, I’ve tried really hard but I can’t work up any enthusiasm for mops or buckets.


Someone must have turned the heating off then?

we have a very attractive new mop bucket, very robust. i will bring it to the space tomorrow.
i still need to order the mop, spare mop heads and a brush which i will get onto tomorrow, and will bring the bucket down tomorrow as well


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