Hi, I'm Safia

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Hi there,

I’m Safia. Still on the waiting list but as I have joined over 2 weeks ago, I hope I could meet you soon.

I worked in electronics a very long time ago and I would like to get back on it. I need to practice my practical skills, that were and are still basic. At this moment I don’t have my own project, except some devices to fix. So if some of you need a hand for yours, I would be happy to help.

Unlike the practical part, I’m not too bad for the theorical part, in electronics and more generally in physics.

I’m living in NE so I will be able to come rather during days than evenings (weekdays or weekends).


Hi Safia,

Welcome to SLMS…

It would be good to see you at one of the Electronics evenings on a Thursdays from about 7:30pm (Even though you said you would be here in the days !!)

We have a good Electronics area with some cool equipment, let me know if you need any info or just copy in @electrotechs to any message


Hi Courty,

Thanks for the welcome and the invitation.
If it is ok to you, I could come tomorrow.

That would be great… it’s a bit random and no fixed structure but there are normally a few projects going on and people chatting etc.


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Hi Safia,
I’m an artist/designer working with electronics, mainly wearables but also general. I’m hoping to create a regular time to experiment. Let me know if you are interested?

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Hi Panja,

Yes, I am interested. It is a good idea.

Hi again, not sure what days are good for you, but I’ll be there this monday afternoon but can also do tuesdays or wednesdays

Hi Panja,

Weekdays, it’s fine to me, any day.
But I’m not a member yet. I’m in the last stage. As soon I am a member, I will join you.