Hey I'm Matt (I'm actually here now)

Hey I’m Matt - I swung by the location earlier as I was in the area and met a nice guy just leaving called Max.

Looking forward to coming down someday this week - unfourtunately my work socials seem to align perfectly with the open evenings but I’ll try another day? Really hopeful and looking forward to joining to work on a few bits and bobs - heres’ my first post I made back in Feb :slight_smile: Hey I'm Matt, moving from Edinburgh to London soon - restoration, upcycling, junkwood, rPis and ardunios are my thing

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Hey Matt!

You made it! Great!

We have other events that are open to the public that you can pop in to and check out the space. The most regular ones are Textiles night and Electronics night - here is the next one on Tuesday:

Come by and say hello…


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