Help & anyone in the space Tues 3rd October (tomorrow)

I’ve been a paid up member for some time but not really used the space yet.
I’m hoping to make a stencil for work using the laser cutter - would anyone be around at some point tomorrow who’s inducted and can help me do it? I’m running out of time so if not I’m hoping I can use a knife and a board and make it out of cardboard!

Will anyone be in the space during the day tomorrow? And is anyone be willing/able to help me?

Huge thanks and looking forward to meeting some people:D

Hi Helena
Sorry but the laser is going to be out of action tomorrow evening (and a bit of Wednesday) as we are cleaning the Extractor ready for the Machine’s service on Friday

Hi Martyn! No worries - do you think I may be able to use it before and then help clean it? I’m very reliant on help of course so understand if not :slight_smile:

The extractor is going to be fully disassemble so will take a few hours so I’ve booked it out the whole evening. I’ll be arranging more inductions soon (most extractor clean and machine MOT)

How about I help her as its urgent? Helena I have a laser cutter at home that should fix your problem in the short term if you can get to Catford and pick it up?

Hi Dorine,

That would be ideal I’m actually staying in Catford for the night! ( I live a bit out of London). Should I message you on here? Huge thanks!

Understood! Thanks Martyn:)

message me with your email and Ill share the studios address

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I had booked to use the laser cutter on Friday. What time will it be serviced? Will it be out of action in the afternoon?

Honest answer - don’t know how long it will take, they are scheduled to arrive around 9/9:30am.

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Hi there. Do you know when you’ll finish on Wednesday? I was going to come in in the afternoon - but I’m guessing it’s out of action until the evening?

Depends on what needs to be done - it’s my first time doing the extractor. I’ll be heading there straight after work to finish what needs to be completed. Sorry i can’t be more useful

Not a pleasant job, I have done it twice , removing all of the stainless scrubber brushes, cleaning them out in water and letting them dry before putting back.

Mask is essential

You’re really selling it :wink:

I’m looking for volunteers to help me tomorrow - Help Wanted - Laser Extractor - Tomorrow (Tuesday)

Martyn not sure if other people have already offered help. If not I can come in but don’t let me get in the way of anybody who has already volunteered!

Let me know

Hi all,

Here is the process…

Unfortunately they need to dry, so when I did it we left them outside in the sun…

So won’t be a 2 hour job… and its nasty, wear lots of protection / rubber gloves / masks etc…

Best to plan for 12 hours outage or something…

More the merrier :slight_smile:

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Thanks to @Hugh2 help we got the extractor all cleaned up in record time - so it’s ready for use again :slight_smile: