Hello! I'm Adrian

Hello everyone!

My name is Adrian! I joined the evening session with Brendon last Wednesday. He kindly showed Dave and me the maker space. I loved the sense of community that was transmitted and I would love to become part of it!

About me, I’m 23, I do not really have a lot of experience in any field in particular, but I am really keen to learn as much as I can!!! From woodwork, metalwork, electronics, everything is super appealing to me!!!

I wanted to start exploring, so I joined the electronics evening yesterday, and I am honestly very impressed by the creativity and the dedication of everyone I met in the space.

What would be the best approach for me to learn techniques, skills and get ideas to find a project?

I would be very happy to help someone in their project, my main goal is to learn and help!!

If you have any suggestions, they are very welcome :slight_smile:


Hi Adrian,

Welcome to our community! No worries if you think you don’t have enough experience, that’s what is so amazing about SLMS. There is a wealth of knowledge and expertise just waiting to tap into. No need to feel shy, just ask anybody what they’re working on and if they don’t mind you hovering or even helping out!

You found the right place!

I see you filled out the pre-membership survey, so you’re on the waitlist and all set to get going. Just hang in tight, we should be in touch shortly. (We’re having a members meeting next Monday where we’ll be discussing how and when to add the people currently on the waitlist.)

Glad you enjoyed Electronics Night! Make sure to check the calendar for the other events open events.

See you at the Makerspace,


Thank you for the warm welcome Mark!!

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