Hello, here is my introduction


I’m Mark and thank you for accepting my application. Apart from being thrilled to be part of this community, I’m very much looking forward meeting people at the space, expanding my horizon, giving back and being around like minded people. It just feels right.

In the past, I did some electronics projects (mostly µCs and designing PCBs) and I still enjoy all things electronics and also working with wood.

Mycology (anything mushroom) is also one of my hobbies and I enjoy the entire process from Petri dish to frying pan. Maybe building a new laminar flow hood would be a cool project to start with.

Metalwork is something I never really got in touch with but I’d be very interested, especially welding.

Looking forward to meeting you at the space,


Welcome Mark!

Check out the Electronics Nights on most Thursdays! Also, We need some more momentum in metal area, so great to have you on board!


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Thank you Andy,

I won’t be a stranger. Already got a very warm welcome and a great tour from @Brendon_Hatcher. Thank you so much!



Welcome! Mushrooms you say?.. do say more!


Sure, it all started several years back with a gifted “grow your own” kit as a present. Reluctantly, I gave it a go and once the first mushrooms appeared I got mesmerized and started the nerd-approach of getting to the root (or the mycelium) of that subject. Disclaimer: When cultivating mushrooms you have the option of going fairly deep down the rabbit hole. :nerd_face:

I’ve been growing edible mushrooms for several years and it is a highly satisfying and achievable project you can do at home. Plenty of steps are even child friendly. My sister inlaw who is a primary school teacher includes a mushroom project every year now. Plus, once you’ve got the setup, it is actually fairly inexpensive and so rewarding. You will not buy mushrooms from a supermarket ever again.

Obviously you can totally nerd out on mushrooms and on the entire process from collecting and exchanging spores with fellow growers around the world, preparing your Agar and pouring Petri dishes, to choosing the right substrate and growing conditions, how to work sterile, what spawning method you want to use…etc but the beautiful thing is, you don’t have to go crazy right away. The process of growing the fruiting bodies - the edible part - is beautifully compartmentalized.

In my OP, I thought about building a new laminar flow hood which is needed when trying to work sterile, i.e. for essential lab work with Petri dishes and all that good stuff.

Well, if there is any interest, maybe we could see if there’s an opportunity for a little mushroom cultivation workshop. :mushroom:


We did talk about mushrooms… I think in jest… But maybe not so jest? Can you come to the space next Tuesday? It would be great to meet and talk a bit

I’d be very happy to drop in on Tuesday for a chat! Do you know roughly what time you’ll be in?

Around 7… Staying till about midnight

See you then! :+1: