Hanry says hello!

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007fa4a02617d0>


dusts hands
job done!

Ok, ok, I know that Germans have no sense of humour, but allow me to try occasionally, if only to keep the calibration up-to-date!

I may have been born over there, but I don’t eat meat, drink beer or care about football - and neither am I particularly organised. So I had to leave…

I spent 18 years in the UK now and it is just as much home to me as any other place.

My school was a bit odd in many ways, but on the plus side we spent the afternoons of 3 years learning proper woodworking, 1 year learning copper-working, 1 year in a blacksmith workshop… I am not meaning to brag, I just hint at where my love for handmade things comes from. It was all very long ago but I know from when I am teaching apprentices that some of the good habits did stick :wink:

Some more grown-up stuff is written in my profile. I am very much hoping to drop in to the “open evening” this Wednesday (23. August) - and if nobody’s there at least I got some exercise!

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

P.S. - The name… “Ulrich” seems to intimidate some people and for various reasons I often run about with the handle “Hanry” online and in other places. Both are fine.


I wish I could go back in time and attend your school, it sounds amazing.

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Me too! Hi Hanry.