Getting the lathe working

I stand corrected @tomnewsom has volunteered others @joeatkin2 please get cement mixed down if you can.

I will bring my drill, paddle and big bucket down there is not a lot to mix only about a tonne

We do need someone with a van to go and get some more ballast and shuttering ply though

Not sure which day we are talking about now?

I am a happy user of zipvans, and would be perfectly happy to do a run in the morning to bring ingredients, and in the evening to take everything back?
Heck, I might even still get a van from Kendall tomorrow morning if I am lucky, and then I can do some gardening at home too.
Am busy Saturday 10:00-14:00, other than that could spare four hours or thereabouts if that’s any use?

Have tired old wheelbarrow as well, and another mixing paddle and drill, if that helps?

Let it be lathe!

Are we still on for 9 tomorrow?

Ah, thank you for the time confirmation. Really sucks that I have to be on Wimbledon Hill for 10:30 - won’t be much use to you before then?

If you are going ahead, I can join you around lunch-time if that’s still any use?
Really sorry I got back online so late after my trip away :frowning:

Worth saying: if a cement mixer is needed, then it can be hired and Makerspace will reimburse.

For that much concrete…I would.

If doing it by hand…teaching to suck eggs here…

The efficient way: pile the correct amount of aggregate, add the cement on top. Then dig the whole pile over into another pile. Then dig back to the original pile and it’s mixed! Make a hole and add the water, leave that to soak in for couple of minutes. Then a small amount of turning in should finish it.

Mine should be on its way


Hi all … lathe foundation in progress!



I feel real bad for not being there, my meeting went all the way to 15:00 and I am dead.
Note to self: don’t try to jump in head first on the night of returning to the country :frowning:

The cast frame is looking really good, that’s a heck lot of work!

Slightly concerned you are stating this without actually seeing what we are doing !!!

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The full story !!!’
This is where it is mixed!!!

The mixer has wheels on it so we roll the mixer in to pour it!!

Why do you have ALWAYS to say something about EVERYTHING?

Are you serious???
You got to say something always no matter what the topic is, no matter if you know the background or not, no matter if anyone is asking you, no matter if anyone matters what you have to say!
You are the only CONSTANT presence on discourse!
Out of 240 members, just you…Just wondering why is that!

And anyway rest assured that if I start treating like shit you’ll notice!

If you wanted just to make sure about the cement mixing the right sentence would have been
"Are you guys mixing inside or outside?"
Not whatever your wrote!

O dear





Hopefully puddle stopped