Following on from some great work achieved by members putting in work every evening this week we now have two fantastic new workshops tantalisingly close to being finished.
The Plan
Get phase one beautiful again and ready to welcome the public in on Arduino day, 2pm on Saturday.
This involves a good deal of clearing, cleaning and curating!
Create some meaningful space in new workshops for use during Arduino Day.
This involves shifting a load of stuff, possibly behind a temporary screen/barricade.
Then protecting the floor in some way. And making sure everything is safe for the public.
If doors and windows are in then we’ll be able to have a very flexible and useable set of rooms.
Who’s up for the challenge?
And it is quite an ambitious one.
P.S. I waited till after noon so it was clear it wasn’t an April Fool.
This foolishness is chronoindependent.
EDIT: I reckon this is worthy of an @members there’s an incredible amount to do. And even coming down for an hour and say ‘curating the washroom’ contributes a good deal of value.