Pity we can’t modify the trotec a little bit.
I didnt expect discourse to copy the whole article?
Nice. I love the “draw it to scale and you get the piece exactly to scale” nature of drawing in illustrator / coreldraw / 2D vector app of choice, but anything that can give direct manipulation is going to be better for more people.
On embedding: yeah, that’s an issue. It a) appears as your own writing and b) doesn’t have a link. For what it’s worth, Discourse uses markdown, so quoted paragraphs can be done simply with a "> ", think email quoting.
This is a quote
Oh - also, “Freehand” is a much missed alternative to Illustrator / CorelDraw / etc., so I started reading the post with quite a different line of thought in my head!
You can also use <blockquote> tags.
This is probably an easier way of copying and pasting more than a few lines of text from some other place-- and use <cite> tags for saying where it came from