Fob activation

Hello. Newbie here. I received the fob a couple of weeks ago and tried to use it today but it doesn’t seem to be registered. Can someone please help?

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Hi Eyal,

When you first receive your keyfob, you touch it to the reader at the door and take note of the exact date and time when you did this.

Then, you post a message into the Key Fobs & Shutter Request category asking @ directors to associate this with you account.

If you already did this, I apologize - otherwise take a look at the Enrolling a tag guide.

Usually the member who gave you the Keyfob was supposed to help you with that. Sorry, about the little hiccup. I’ll tag @welcome to help you getting this sorted asap.

Happy making,

Hi Eyal, it looks like your tag wasn’t ever registered. What time did you try it? We can get it sorted out.

Thanks @Kyle, I tried it around noon today but Julia may have scanned it when she gave it me a couple of weeks ago. Sorry I can’t remember exactly when.

No worries, you should be good to go!

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It works! Thank you!

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