Expanding activities at Southlondonmakerspace

Hello there,

After talking to some members I feel there could be an interest for film stuff.

These guys for instance charge $25 per hour for the use of their editing table…


There is demand for this…I am part of a analogue network that is constantly growing.

Many it is nice to cater for woodworkers but some area of the space could be used for anologue film/photo work

Having a portfolio of various equipment and skills would be a plus to potentially increase interest thus potentially help extend lease? Just a suggestion

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Hi Helene,

There do seem to be a few film enthusiasts around.

However I think the title of your post is a bit wide in scope if you want their attention!

Given the other priorities people have expressed, I am not sure we have space. These machines are big.

It is not big in comparison to woodworking machines that are in the space… and has little health and safety hazard (won’t fracture a finger for instance) to it that any drilling machine. I was thinking about the back of the space

I understand, but there are about 1 million things people want to put in the snug and it’s only a cupboard.

If it only gets used a few times in a year it’s a lot of space that is at a premium.