Double glazing left over?

While in the space on Tuesday after the induction we enjoyed a nice chat between Joe and Andrew. They’ve pointed out to me that a few double glazed glass panel (along other things) are lying around and that will most likely be left unused or they didn’t know plan have been made to use them and as the constructuction finish we’ll have to think of clearing out a lot of the things lying around.

My question: is the space getting rid of those glass panel and can I have them?

Many thanks

I don’t think we’ve got a use for them. I say take them away, unless anyone else says otherwise

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I think there was a plan to use one of the small ones for the window at the back but otherwise I don’t think so.

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I will try to offer them up tonight .

As I’ve said before: we need to get that window patched in the noisy room. Our lease says we can’t make noise in there (from 8pm to 8am???) without acoustic separation from our neighbours. Currently there is only an Ill fitting ply door…


Sorry didn’t get a chance interlocks , door locks and end stops seemed to take the whole night