As we get ready to open up phase 2, we expect to see an increased interest in Makerspace. To help new people learn about what the space has to offer, it would be good if we got our documentation in shape.
Please visit #space:tools and either
- Improve an existing topic, eg. by documenting safe working methods or useful tips
- Create new topics for undocumented tools. Just adding a short description and a photo is a good start!
- Don’t forget to make them Wiki pages by going to the spanner menu at the bottom of the post, then “Make Wiki”. Let me know if you can’t see the spanner.
- Don’t forget to tag them appropriately, ie. “wood-workshop” or “textiles-workshop”
see also this index:
Loads of stuff still needs to be documented, and / or listed.
Edit: @unknowndomain is there a list somewhere of all the sensibly documentationable electronics kit? Scopes, meters etc. So I can set a shell up for those as well?
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Here’s a few to start:
Rigol DS1054z scope
Atlas Pro LCR45 impedence meter
Atlas Pro DCA75 semiconductor analyser/identifier
Saleae Logic 8ch logic analyser
Well, this is making Latest miserable to read
I will look into a fix/hack
EDIT: Ok, have turned off the thumbnail & preview for now. In theory, we can hide these in Latest, but I think the plugin needs updating.