Designing information flows for makerspace

A few people have voiced frustration with how information regarding the makerspace is accessed - this is in part due to the transitional nature of the makerspace as we go from ‘start up’ to ‘steady state’ but as this clarifies we’ll have some design decisions to make about how we get information across to new and existing members.

This is maybe a working group / project for the proposed @graphics and those interested in discussing and designing the appropriate tools for the new structures that comes out of the governance meets. Starting this thread preemptively / to run in parallel so we can mull over ideas, then when ready to iterate over designs.

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I agree. This can be improved.

It’s also a part of starting somewhere new though. Things are new. And you have to get used to them. And it takes time. And it’s never perfect. Fact of life.

We can however make it as clear. Transparent helpful. And easy as possible.

I’ll help if I can. Let me know

The contents of this post are pinned to the top of the screen for every new user:

As you can see, this hasn’t been updated in ages. Bear in mind that it applies equally to all users, members and non-members.

The How To is good for static information. And the governance structures will go here when finalised which will be great to have. This could include a who’s who also, who has an @role etc.

Maybe I was more thinking about the dynamic information that is buried in discourse - could this be extracted out somehow. This is things like:

  • what decisions are currently being considered (maybe just the more strategy level decisions)
  • what stage these decions are at
  • what tools are currently working / not working

Actually maybe that’s about it :slight_smile:

A ‘Tools’ dashboard is an obvious solution - green or red next to tools in a grid / list.

The decisions thing is more related to what governance processes we decide on, but again some kind of decisions dashboard might be achievable?

Might be worth including @welcome because they were working on this already for some time.


Edit: and I’m currently failing at walking that walk (Tues meeting notes into actions), but should get there over this weekend.

Semi-related: I suggest we find something that is Markdown native for our collaborative note taking. Having meeting notes in Google Docs is a problem if you want to get it into Discourse.

Edit: oh lookie here, posted just an hour ago!

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