My nephew is really into computers and programming. He’s done very very well in his SATS and scored 109, 106,104 on his exams (maximum 115).
His interest is in computers, I would like to introduce him to coding and thought I’d bring him toa hackspace meet.
Just wondering if children are allowed and if they need to be a paid member? I am happy to join as a paid member and be his guardian at the centre and work through him. He is 11 years old.
To be a member you need to be 18+. However, children are welcome at the space, just be aware that he would need to be supervised by a paid member at all times and also that the environment may not always be suitable for minors. - so so long as you were supervising however I doubt there would be a problem I don’t think. @directors will be able to say more, I think.
Absolutely. In complete agreement with you there. Was more thinking about dangerous danger dangering around and hot, spinny cutty things hotting, spinning and cutting.