One of our neighbours has complained that when we leave our bags out the foxes or something rip up the bags and the rubbish gos all over the place and he often cleans it up.
I’ve put the rubbish in the green bin (with the general waste at the bottom) and put it near the gate.
Does someone need to tell the collection company?
It would be neighbourly if we could do this generally.
And I think we need another bin
Thanks for letting us know, it would be good to know who the neighbour is, however frankly this seems like nonsense, our bags get picked up by First Mile shortly after midnight, and I’ve never seen a fox outside the space in 2 years.
Whats more our bags don’t tend to have any food in them to attract them, and I’ve never seen our bags in bits out there either.
I think more likely is the overflowing bins from places like the fish and chip shop are going everywhere when people passing by try to put stuff into them.
Putting the rubbish in the bin is a great solution however for now, thanks!
I think we’re going to have to put it out in the street anyway once the gate gets locked.
The bin might need taking back to the garden / bike rack area after the rubbish collection last night?
Yes, probably, I saw Firstmile go past me as I was cycling home. Nearly got run over.