Are we welding?

Just because Tom is vocal about his opinions doesn’t mean they automatically hold sway over directors’ (or anyone’s) decisions.

Let’s explore ways of potentially making welding acceptable

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I agree, I am not saying no, I am just saying that members including myself discussed this before and there was among the other concerns of safety worry about flashing light reflecting being annoying.

Space, extraction, noise from grinding and containing mess seemed to be the major areas to overcome. And yes, flashing came up too, though perhaps not as a safety issue when we looked harder at it.

Some members looked at whether a pop-up welding area near screen printing might work, but I don’t think a practical plan ever came together.


Option 1. Pop up welding booth in the main workshop somewhere. This isn’t going to contain the grinding dust which will bigger the laser cutter and 3D printer fairly quickly.

Option 2. Set something up on the snug. Perfect, except it contravenes​ fire regs, and might create noise for our neighbours.

Option 3. Wait for Makerspace 2.

Option for option 1 - just don’t grind anything - we have hacksaws, files, wire brush attachment etc. If folk had big jobs could cut it offsite beforehand.

Or we could grind outside…?

Yeah I like the idea - but thought it was banned outside? May be misremembering. Otherwise seems like perfect solution.

grinding outside would need some careful H&S thought, in terms of passers-by, trailing cables, sparks all up in the hoo-har and preventing idiocy during precipitation.

These all work-able around in some way though :slight_smile: In my head, obtaining a relatively easy to use gaze-bo would not be a silly move.

We’ve been specifically told we can’t do welding in the outside space – so that’s sadly not an option.

Aye - I was referring to grind outside (grinding is the messy bit) then weld inside.

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Ah, yes! I should have actually read the comment you were replying to…