Acrylic order

I’m going to order myself some acrylic in the next few days. Anyone fancy splitting postage?

Will try and get sizes compatible with the laser cutter.

Possibly from Plastic Online or Kitronic, unless anyone else has recommendations for a supplier?

I will see if anyone’s up for a Makerspace discount and post any results in the Members’ area.


I have a project in mind and would like some smallish (ie. A4) sheets for testing techniques. 3mm clear, 3mm white and 1mm black to start with.

It’d be a good idea to get a stockpile for the induction sessions too. We’re using Tommel’s at the moment, which isn’t fair.

@tomnewsom Do you have a supplier for 1mm black? I’ve never bought it before and a quick Google comes up blank…

Nope! I have no idea if it even exists :smiley:

I might have to rethink my approach if it’s not available. Let’s go with 3mm clear and black and I’ll see how things go.

Seems like the sort of thing @unknowndomain might know, stashed away in his vast store of knowledge…

I would like some light diffusing acrylic, but need to do some homework on exactly what.

Also anyone interested in doing a similar order for laser grade ply?

If I end up going with Kitronix they do laser ply too. They have poplar as well as birch which apparently cuts better. I have some but I haven’t tried it yet. Too many projects, not enough time…

They also do an oak veneered laser ply

And a 0.8mm laser ply - any use for you, @tomnewsom instead of 1mm black acrylic?

Nah, the project I have in mind will want to use multiple colours, so if it doesn’t come in black, it won’t come in anything else!

Most places don’t sell 1mm because it is so fragile. 2-3mm is the minimum that you’d want to use… You can get it but you’ll end up buying a 2.5x3 meter sheet from the manufacturer…

I would buy some Acrylic but I don’t have money right now…Would be nice if the space could buy a few sheets as replacement for all the test pieces I have had to do for getting it up running.

Remember to buy CAST not EXTRUDED.

Yes I’d get a few A4 pieces on any order.

My current plan is to pop in to Hamar in East London and look through their offcuts bin. If I do I’ll grab some extra for the space/Tommen/AussieFred

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I wouldn’t bother with A4 they are too small… also 297mm??? really?

Ok fine, 2 of 300x300
I say this as I’m not sure how you cut it.
I’m also not sure on costs so want to be minimal for first play
Can you detail the “too small” issue?

The thing that attracts me about the offcuts bin at Hamar is that (apparently) pieces are £1 each, 3mm is normally around A3 size and there’s a variety of stuff there. As I’m not sure what projects I’m going to be doing with it I think a variety would be good!

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Sound great!