Wood lathe induction

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007fa495d9b980>

Just to know when it will be an induction for the lathe use

All induction sessions are advertised in #admin:induction-sessions - You are automatically subscribed to that category so will get an alert. Inductions are run by volunteers in their own time, so there is no way to provide a calendar or much advance notice.

Keep an eye out, bascially!

Hi Pierino

The reason you’re not seeing the inductions is because you have two Discourse accounts – and the other one is linked to your membership account

If you want to keep using the current profile then go to members.southlondonmakerspace.org/login then click the Discourse button and add your Discourse user name

1 Like

Thank you I will keep an eye

Hi Dermot
I had been today at the place and had a good chat with Mark who gave me some advise on how to solve thjs, and I did so, Ithink and hope i won this time. Thank you for the message