Shadow Robotics (human hand replica) demo & workshop

A friend of mine, Rich Walker runs this very cool robotics company:

They make this very cool robot hand:

And these neat “air muscles” which are a zero-sticktion linear actuator with very similar characteristics to animal muscles:

They also built the robot for the “Bionic Man” documentary on channel 4 from a couple of years ago.

Either Rich or one of his crew are willing to bring their toys along to the space to show them off and for people to have a play. The dextrous hand is just worth seeing on its own, but their expertise and the air muscles may be of genuine use to SLMS members.

Who’s keen, and which January evening dates can you make?

  • Mon 18th
  • Tue 19th
  • Thu 21th
  • Wed 27th
  • Thu 28th

0 voters

thats really cool…i voted for the first two days, but could turn up any of them apart from the wed

Sounds like a good idea. I say yes!

Is it a workshop, or more of a show and tell?

If the former is not really suitable for open night?

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I think its more of a show and tell, with no real structure, but with as much play and discussion as the attendees can manage.

I think this would clash too much with Open Evening so will see if they can do Monday 18th.

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Now booked: Shadow Robotics demo - 19:30, Monday 18th January

cool, well done