Hollo everyone,

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My name is Vandyke Nettey, Ex member of Hackney hackspace and am exited to start my membership here at the South London Makerspace to the say the least. After living he in Herne Hill for more than a year, I wish someone would have told me about this place earlier. Or maybe i should have just done more research.

Anyway, I am looking to have start a small research project in building a 3D printer with the capability to use sand as a mail material. I know is sound nut right of the bat, that could be that I am not being fully open on about the end products use. Trade secret if you want to call it that. I am willing to have a full and open dialogue with any one serious in creating something that can actually be put to commercial use within a year or two.

I live close by just give a shout and I will clad to meet up an discuss thing in more depth. I am actively looking for mechanical and electronic engineers, and coder s to collaborate with. Please feel free to ask me any question. My phone number will be available on request

Kind Regards,



Quite a number of us our ex-LHS, so you’re certainly not alone there :slight_smile:

Sounds like you might benefit from attending an Electronics Evening, the last of which was on the 25th January by the looks of things, but they normally on a Thursday evening: 25 of January , electronics night!

Keep an eye on the #events topic for more

Good luck!

Sorry, I posted a comment when you were logged into Discourse on the Mac at the space. Please log out when you leave the space. But I always forget too.

Thats alright Martin, I had to Log someone out before I logged on myself. I will be sure to log out next time I use it.

Thanks for the heads up.
Looks like I missed this Thursday as well.

Will have to pen it down to look out for upcoming electronics night!