Hi, I'm Dave

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And I’m joining mainly to get a discount for @RichM 's blacksmithing experience day :wink:

In reality I’ve been thinking about joining for ages and it’s given me the extra nudge I needed.

Couple of projects I’m keen on at the moment are:

I’d be keen to get in touch with anybody who is interested in either.

I’m a computer programmer by trade.
I’m happy to lend a hand wherever it might be useful.

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Welcome !

There was someone who built one of those keyboards as we helped him on Thursday Night Electronics with the hot air/paste soldering of all the small components to speed things up.

I can’t for the life of me remember who it was though. will have a search about for info


That’s a very fancy workbench!

Here’s my current setup. It slots together so I can transport it and hide it away when I don’t need it.

I’d be interested in how they got on with it too.

I don’t have the PCB. Plan to hand wire it.

So you think it might be a bit over the top? :slight_smile:
I must admit I saw somebody cutting up sheets on a couple of 2x4s balanced on a saw horse and thought that would probably cover 99% of my needs.
I like the cross beams on the saw horses (and I probably already have all the bits). Is there any wobble?

Not really.

I drop a sheet of sacrificial chipboard onto this frame and away we go!

I actually quite like the Paulk workbench, but I think it might be a bit heavy to lift up to put away.