Do we want some free PCs?

Yeah but maybe an Uber or other dubious mini cab company, rather than Ad Lee or Black Cab, we’re not made of money… If it can wait until Friday I can do it?

If Tommel can’t do this today, I can do it next Tuesday.

Have we missed this?

Toby’s on the case as we speak :thumbsup:

Tom some times I wonder if you live on Discorse

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I always have it open at work, and I have pop-up Chrome notifications turned on. I SEE ALL.

5x PCs
Keyboards and mice
LED sign

…and a lot of being stuck in traffic.


Nice one Toby :smile:

:grinning: thanks

Congestion charge?

Taxi. I’ll cover it, happily. I didn’t bargain for the chargeable-hours time cost, but what can you do. Most important: things didn’t go into landfill, and now we have nice things =]

Thanks Tom and Toby :slight_smile: